About Us
- The Kentucky QSO Party (KYQP) is an annual event held the first weekend in June.
- Our goal is to encourage ham radio operators across the Blue Grass state to get on the air and make contacts with other ham radio operators around the world.
- The KYQP is sponsored and hosted by the Kentucky Contest Group (KCG). Visit our Facebook site by searching for “Kentucky Contest Group”.
County Activations and Mobiles
We encourage Kentucky clubs and mobile operators to activate as many rare counties as possible each year. This site provides a list of anticipated rare county activations. Please contact David ND4Y using our Contact Us page with your Mobile plans.
KY QSO Party Organization and Finances
- The KY QSO Party is run by volunteers with various responsibilities. Please join in, we appreciate the help!
- This site and event has yearly expenses and we depend on plaque donations to fund this event. Thank you for YOUR support!