
Kentucky QSO Party Operating Rules – 2025 (proposed changes in red)
  • 1300Z UTC June 7  –> 0100Z UTC June 8
  • 9AM – 9PM EDT –> Saturday, June 7
  • 8AM – 8PM CDT –> Saturday, June 7
  • 7AM – 7PM MDT –> Saturday, June 7
  • 6AM – 6PM PDT –> Saturday, June 7
  • CW
  • Phone (SSB/FM)
  • RTTY (Baudot only, no other digital modes)

All contacts must be simplex, no repeaters.

Bands 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, 2
  • Fixed Station – Single Op (non-club)
  • KY Mobile – Single-Op Unassisted (operator also drives)
  • KY Mobile – Single-Op Assisted (operator has a driver)
  • Expedition (KY portable stations only)
  • Multi-Single – More than one (1) person contributing to the score with only one (1) transmitted signal allowed on the air at any time at any power level (to include club stations, EOC stations, school stations, or any ad hoc group using a non-club call sign). Fixed KY Station or KY Expedition participants only, 

(Mobiles and Expeditions see County Line Operations below)

  • High Power: More than 100 watts
  • Low Power: 100 watts or less
  • QRP: 5 watts or less
Work KY Stations Once per band, per mode, per county
QSO Points
  • 1 point per completed Phone QSO
  • 2 points per completed CW QSO
  • 2 points per completed RTTY baudot QSO
Bonus Station K4KCG K4KCG may be worked once per BAND and MODE for 100 bonus points per QSO.  For example, a station working K4KCG on 20M CW, RTTY and SSB would earn 300 bonus points.  Logging programs need not track earned bonus points — after your Cabrillo log is submitted, the KYQP committee will add bonus points to your posted score.  Thus bonus stations may change each year, without needing logging program updates.

NOTE: The K4KCG Bonus will be added to your score total automatically.

Suggested Frequencies CW: 1.815, 3.540, 7.040, 14.040, 21.040, 28.040, 50.095 and 144.060
SSB: 1.865, 3,810, 7.190, 14.250, 21.300, 28.450, 50.135 and 144.250
RTTY:  3.580, 7.080, 14.080, 21.080 and 28.080
QSO Multipliers For Kentucky Station operators (including mobiles)

  • Each unique Kentucky-based station is a multiplier when worked in each of the 120 counties.
  • When logging other Kentucky stations, enter the KY County as the exchange (not KY).
  • Each USA state (not ARRL section), including DC, and each Canadian Province.
  • DX contacts count for QSO points only. Enter DX for the exchange.

For Non-Kentucky Station operators

  • Each Kentucky-based station is a multiplier based on their county.
  • When logging Kentucky stations, enter the KY County as the exchange (not KY).

For ALL operators

  • KY Mobiles or Expeditions traveling to a new KY county may be contacted again for QSO Point and County Multiplier credit.
Power Multiplier
  • All entries using 5 watts or less, Power Multiplier = 3.
  • All entries using 100 watts or less, Power Multiplier = 2.
  • All entries using more than 100 watts, Power Multiplier = 1.
Score Calculation
  • Total score = QSO Points x QSO Multipliers x Power Multiplier + Bonus Station points.
  • An additional 100 points is added to your final score as a bonus for submitting a Cabrillo log file.
County Line Operations
  • KY Fixed stations that are on a county line must choose a KY county, and exchange that county during the QSO Party.  No multiple county exchanges.
  • KY Mobiles and Expedition stations on a county line may be claimed as a separate QSO and multiplier from each county.
  • KY Mobiles and Expeditions that move to a new county are considered to be a new station, and may be contacted again for QSO point credit.
  • KY Mobile and Expedition stations may setup on a county line, such as McCreary and Whitley and exchange multiple counties in one exchange:
    • Spot yourself and enter MCY/WHI in the comments.
    • Call CQ like this:  CQ CQ KYQP de N4TY/MCY/WHI
    • And send the exchange as:  599 MCY/WHI
    • Operators must log you twice, but some logger programs like N1MM will log 2 QSOs for you.
  • There are no Assisted (spotting) vs Unassisted classes.
  • Spotting Assistance is always allowed and encouraged!
  • N1MM has no Expedition or Mobile category, so KY stations that operate in multiple counties should configure N1MM as Rover, but submit their log as either Mobile or Expedition.
Awards In 2024 and future years, to be eligible for awards, all operators must use their individual call sign.   An entry using a Club call which is assigned by the FCC will not be eligible for awards in any category. The KY Club “aggregate” award of past years was removed in 2024 due to lack of participation, but we are requested to restore this category and award.  The award would be as shown below:

Plaques are awarded for the highest score in these categories based on merit:

  • Kentucky (high score):
    • Mode:  Mixed, CW, Phone (High and Low power)
    • QRP (any mode)
    • Expedition (any mode/power)
    • Mobile (assisted driver, and unassisted operator)
    • Unbridled Spirit (for exceptional effort)
    • KY Club (clubs must advance register for the log submission page to be setup)
    • Total of 12 possible plaques to be earned.
  • USA (non-KY), Canada, DX (all high score):
    • Mode: Mixed, CW, Phone (all non-KY stations)
    • There are no separate power categories for Non-KY stations.
    • Total of 9 possible plaques to be earned.
Submissions Visit the Log Submissions page to upload your Cabrillo log file.
Submission Deadline June 30th