
Participants in the KYQP should receive something for their efforts!  Each year we offer certificates and plaques:


All participants who submit a log by the log submission deadline will be emailed a Certificate of Participation.


We awarded 19 plaques in 2024 to the major category winners from inside and outside Kentucky.   Individuals and clubs are welcome to sponsor a plaque.  Our intent is to operate the KY QSO Party as a non-profit entity, and plaque sponsorship funds are used solely to defray plaque costs, shipping, and to host this site.

Remarks from the creator of the 2024 plaque to the recipients, by John Sublette K4TOO:

In 2014 White Plains United Methodist Church of Cary, North Carolina with Wicks Organ Company as the renovator, completed the renovation of their organ using much of the original parts.  The organ was originally installed at the church in 1976 upon the completion of their new sanctuary.  The 2014 renovation left more than 2000 board feet of cedar hardwood unused, which was donated to MakerInspired – a Maker Space in Raleigh, North Carolina (K4TOO).  The previous owner/installer of the organ was Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina.  The organ was used in music education and to support theater productions.  The cedar wood used at the time of original construction (early to mid 1960s) was at least 50 years old making the cedar wood of your Kentucky QSO Party plaque more than 100 years old.