
2024 Operating Plans

KY BONUS STATION K4KCG: ND4Y: HRL Harlan (SSB only) KE4KY: JEF Jefferson (CW only) FIXED KY STATIONS K4FN:  LAR Larue W5EP: MAD Madison KO4OL:  MAD Madison WX4W:  OLD Oldham (SSB) K4TG:  AND Anderson K4AVX: PER Perry KY MOBILES W4WKU: Expedition…
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2023 Plaque Winners

Plaques are awarded on merit. After adjudication, some may be awarded to other worthy efforts. Winner Category – High Score Sponsor DL3DXX DX – CW Dwight Orten KM4FO OM2VL DX – Mixed Bill Weaver WE5P VE9VIC Canada – CW Shelby…
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2023 Operating Plans

KY BONUS STATION K4KCG: Contact ND4Y to reserve your SSB slot schedule Contact K4FN to reserve your CW slot schedule FIXED KY STATIONS KC4S: JEF Jefferson KE4KY: CW, JEF Jefferson W4WKU: HAN Hancock, DAV Davies WD4HVA: FUL Fulton, HIC Hickman,…
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2022 Plaque Winners

Plaques are awarded on merit. After adjudication, some may be awarded to other worthy efforts. Winner Category – High Score Sponsor DL3DXX DX – CW Bullitt ARS KY4KY OM2VL DX – Mixed David Smith ND4Y VE2FK Canada – CW David…
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2022 Operating Plans

2022 KY Station Plans KY BONUS STATION K4KCG: CW:  contact KE4KY for slot schedules SSB: contact ND4Y for slot schedules FIXED KY STATIONS K4AVX:  Perry K4FN:  CW from LaRue and Taylor counties: LAR/TAY KJ4YLR:  Madison N4JRG: Butler county, 80-10, mostly…
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2020 Plaque Winners

We are pleased to announce the 2020 KYQP Plaque winners and sponsors: High Score – DX – Mixed Mode OM2VL, Vegh Laszlo 5,372 Sponsor: Kentucky Contest Group High Score – DX – CW DL3DXX, Dietmar Kasper 2,196 Sponsor: Kentucky Contest…
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2020 Results Posted

We are pleased to announce the results for the 2020 Kentucky QSO Party: 370 logs were submitted.  This is a 166% increase compared to last year!   54 log files were submitted from KY stations.   316 log files were submitted from outside of Kentucky….
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